Maisie | Sightseeing
City Of London, United Kingdom, England | Attraction
3,14 K0

London Tower Bridge

london tower bridge

Another icon of London :)
Hal yang dilakukan

Tower Bridge is one of the famous bridge in the world and the most popular tourism place in London. This bridge accros the Thames River which connect Soutwark (North side) and City of London (South side). This bridge length around 244 meters and has 2 towers, that top of towers are connected and there is walkway and the high is around 44 meters above the river. Very high! This bridge was built on 1886 by Sir Horace Jones ehich need 8 years to finish it, after that on 30 June 1894 opened by Prince and Princess of Wales.

                             london tower bridge

The unique thing of this bridge is this bridge was cut into two parts in the middle which could be lifted. Both of side of this bridge could be lift until 86 degrees, it's make water traffic below smooth. Kind of solution for passing by high ship. This bridge could be lifted 1000 times for a year, meccanism of lifting this bridge did by using hydrolic system.

                    london tower bridge

London Tower Bridge become one of famous tourism place in London. You can buy entrance fee aroun 9 poundsterling to see Tower Bridge Exhibition which held in two bridges, walkway and old machine room. There we can see movie, pictures nd other display which explain the history about this Tower Bridge. Moreover, you can see steam engine and original hydrolic machine which first time used for lift the middle of Tower Bridge.

                    london tower bridge


                                                            Watch this video for more excitement: Video by Kaelyn Whaley




Cara ke Sana

Hi friends, have you taste Yorkshire Pudding? well, if you have let's continue to the famous tourism place in this city :)

If you want to go to LTower Bridge, you there are few transportations you can used. There are:

  • Bus : Take bus number 15, 42, 78, 100 or RV1
  • Underground train  to the closest station Tower Hill Station or London Bridge Station.


                        london tower bridge


Tips dan Trik london tower bridge

So, if you are going to visit this bridge, this bridge open daily from 10 am to 6 pm on Summer and 9.30 am to 7.30 on Winter.