Maisie | Sightseeing
City Of London, United Kingdom, England | halal
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Yorkshire Pudding

yorkshire pudding

Now I'm going to tell you about one of unique food in England and become my favorite ones!
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Hello folks, welcome back with me. Now I'm going to tell you about one of unique food in England and become my favorite ones. It's called Yorkshire Pudding. From the name, you'll know that this meal is coming from one of city in England, York. Well, mostly pudding has sweet taste with chocolate and milk but in England, this pudding use meat and vegetable as the topping. Very unique, isn't it?

                             yorkshire pudding

Actually, in English Pudding devide into to parts, the sweet one and salty one. Yorkshire Pudding made from milk, egg shake, wheat and little bit salt. When all the ingredients have been mixed, then bake it. This pudding usually served on Sunday Lunch event and already become favorite meal since centuries ago. But nowadays, Yorkshire Pudding can be enjoyed anytime and mostly seved with main course.

                           yorkshire pudding

                           yorkshire pudding

So, if you are come yo visit London, don't forget to taste this super delicious Yorkshire Pudding. You can find this meal in few restaurants, such as Porter English Restaurant which located in 17 Henrietta Street, Chapter All Day Dining in Blackheath 43-45 Montpelier Vale, Covent Garden and Rules Restaurant in 35 Maiden Lane. Finish taste this pudding, I suggest you to visit London eye, Tower Bridge and Tower of London which located very close to these restaurants.

                                                         Watch this Video for more about Yorkshire Pudding: Video by Settime2588