alfintaufani | Sightseeing
Situbondo, Jawa Timur, Indonesia | Beach Exploring
2,1 K2

Pasir Putih Beach

pasir putih beach

Pasir Putih Beach is the one vacation place who have small waves, There is some dock that you can enjoy the beach to take some pictures, moreover fishing. The Beach is located in Situbondo City and far enough from the city. Don't forget to taste "sate lal
Hal yang dilakukan

1. Take a picture

2. Swimming

3. Playing sand beach

4. Snorkeling

5. Camping

Cara ke Sana

If you from city, you can be taking a bus which has destination to Surabaya City. If you drive a car is easier. There are 2 route if you are from Jember City, The first route you just follow the route who guide you to Situbondo City, that's we call common route. There are alternate route, you follow the route who guide you to pasir putih beach by passing "arak-arak" located in Bondowoso City.

Tips dan Trik pasir putih beach

1. Bring the common needs for enjoying beach.

2. Bring swimming goggles because you may swim in there.

3. Please stay dressedto prevent injuries when you are swimming.

4. You have to taste "sate lalak" which available in there.

5.Keep it clean