Maisie | Sightseeing
City Of London, United Kingdom, England | Park
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St Regent's Park

st regent's park

Nowadays, this park features a number of sports facilities such as tennis courts and a sports community pavilion.
What to Do

Regent's Park was first appropriated in 1938 by King Henry VIII to be used as hunting grounds. But, in 1822, Prince Regent asked the famous architect, John Nash to added some magic touch and made the park into what it is today. This park have canal, lake and fifty six planned villas, though just eight were built and only two remain - St. John's Lodge and The Holme.

st regent's park

Nowadays, this park features a number of sports facilities such as tennis courts and a sports community pavilion. There's also an open air theatre, which boasts productions from Shakespeare to Rodgers and Hammerstein. 

st regent's park

st regent's park

Moreover, this park become an important site for wildlife, especially with the recent addition of a "wildlife-friendly" community garden and flower aficionados will enjoy the colorful Queen Mary's Gardens, a rose garden named after the wife of king George V. 

st regent's park

There's a pretty lake in this park which is open to rowboats and paddle boats, which may be rented at the boathouse. In addition, there's another small theater situated near the lake. Such a nice place for relax, isn't it?

st regent's park

Video by Mat Siems

How to Get There

Spring is coming and now I'm going to visit one of beautiful park in central London, Regents Park. This park is located at Chester Rd, London, near the Madame Tussaud. You can take train to the nearest station such as London Marylebone, London Euston, Camden Road, London St Pancras Domestic, London St Pancras International and London Kings Cross.

st regent's park

Tips and Trick st regent's park

Well, if you are going to spend your spring time, I highly recommend you to visit this park because so many things you can do. This place is a nice place to spend with your family, children and your loved one. This park has no entrance fee, so you can come visit for free. Moreover, this park is open daily from 5 am until afternoon, for more information you can check the opening hours here. Don't forget to bring camera and always keep this place clean.

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