kartikaputri | Sightseeing
Prague, Prague, Czech Republic | City Trip
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Old Town Square Prague

old town square prague

Old Town Square is the center of old town Praha and you can find free walking tour here....
What to Do

Old Town Square is the center of old town Praha and you can find free walking tour here. This square is surrounded by beautiful old buildings which very colorful. Mostly people come to this square on Summer to feel the atmosphere of Prague Old City while chill out at outdoor cafes in this square. 

                  old town square prague

                  old town square prague

Old Town Square also known as Staromestske Namesti was a market place which already exist since 1091. In this place, there is old clock which very rare and become the oldest astronomical clock in Europe. 

                                                      old town square prague

This clock also known as Prague Orloj was built by a clock expert named Mikulas of Kadan and Mathematics and Astronomy Professor from Charles University, Jan Sidel on 1410. Prague Arloj is attracting every hour from 9 am to 11 pm, this attraction less than a minutes which can attrac the tourists.

                                                      old town square prague

There are three unique components of this Prague Orloj, first is shown four figures who called as The Walk of the Apostles. Second component is the oldest component of this clock, it's astronomical calculation based on the moon and the sun position. Third component is in the below which describe about month and season calendar. In 1870, the component calendar is added by 12 zodiac symbols. 

                             old town square prague

Old Town Square is often use for shooting location some famous movie. Also, you can some two-wheeled buggy around this square, if you want to going around this old town and tired of walk, you can take this traditional transportation. So, if you want to see colorful old building in Prague, go visit this Old Town Square Prague :)

Watch this video for more excitement. Video by Rick Steve's Europe


How to Get There

When in Prague, I visit so many interesting place such a Prague Castle, Charles Bridge and Wenceslas Square. But, before I visit all of that places, I start my journey from Old Town Square which located in the heart of Prague. This square is near my hotel and I just walk for 5 minutes to get here.

Tips and Trick old town square prague

Don't forget to bring good camera for taking picture because around this square there are so many artistic beautiful old building. The best time to visit this square is summer. Wear comfortable shoes for free walking tour after visit this square :)